Ridge Gourd – Discuss about its Growing Condition and benefits

About Ridge Gourd

Ridge Gourd or Luffa is a cylindrical and family of cuculto / Greed. Rurge or which the sponge gourd is like “Jenida” in Bangladesh. Scientific name of Ridge Gourd: Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb. It is a dark green vegetable with a white pulp inside. The taste of the vegetable is similar to zucchini. It has spongy flesh with white pulp and seeds.

Umbrella gourd, also known as ‘tindora’ or ‘tindli’ in Hindi, is a vegetable that is grown in south and east India. It can be eaten well by chopping it into pieces and soaking it in salt water or cooking it with curry leaves and boiled tamarind. Ridge gourds are a source of iron, vitamin C, manganese and dietary fiber.

A gourd has a long stem that can grow up to twelve feet in length. The leaves form a thick circle around the stem and are arranged in a circle. The purple flower has five petals and a red-orange crown between each flower. This colored thorn is different from other groups because it has no seeds on its shell, and it does not produce edible fruit. It is also cold hardier than other squashes.

Growing conditions


Crete Gourd can grow in different forms, but the bottom of the silt and silt silk is the most suitable. To develop tura by seed, you will change down on your site, full of organic matter. You spread a layer of organic compost 2 inches wide into the soil, and it works into the soil to a depth of 6 to 8 inches. A soil pH of 6.5 to 7.0 is good for it or is neutral to slightly alkaline.

Seed treatment

Growing from seed soil full of organic matter and direct sunlight are both important. Rub it with sandpaper before planting or leave it to soak in water at room temperature for 24 hours. This will make germination faster.


When they prepare seeds of seeds, they can put 3 seeds directly per kernel. Or you can grow it by filling the potting soil in a polythene bag and water it later. When the plant grows healthy, take it out.

Selection and Storage

Ridge Gourd

Ridge squash is available all season. Look for soft fresh loofahs at local farmers markets. Choose green, immature, firm pods with long, intact stems.

Avoid large, ripe, fallen, and unsightly fruits, because these can be signs of an old, tasteless product. Avoid those with chipped, broken, chipped or broken surfaces.

A fresh loofah does not last long. At home, store them in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator and use them within two or three days of purchase before they start to go rancid.

Health Benefits

Ridge gourd is one of the low-calorie vegetables with only 20 calories per 100 g. Its firm, juicy flesh is rich in minerals and vitamins and is rich in antioxidants.

The crested and smooth varieties are good sources of carotene, lutein and crypto-xanthine phenolic antioxidants.

A fresh slice contains 7 μg of folate. A diet rich in folate may help reduce the risk of neural tube defects in newborns in pregnant women. @Fa trying to have a place of vitamins – more than many other vegetables. 100 grams of the 410 Iu (14% DV) of vitamin Aka. Vitamin A is important for the integrity of mucous membranes, healthy skin, hair and vision.

It also works as an anti-cancer and anti-aging agent at the cellular level in humans. Fresh ridge gourd is a good source of vitamin C (100 g of fruit provides 12 mg or about 20% of the RDA). Vitamin C is one of the natural antioxidants that help the human body get rid of harmful radicals that cause cancer.

Rich in fiber and soft tissue, loofah improves digestion and water in the stool. Therefore, food rich in fiber helps to reduce constipation and constipation problems. Moreover, it is also a suitable source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, niacin (vitamin B-3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5), pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), and minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, manganese and magnesium.

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